Sep 30·edited Oct 3Liked by Aly Dee

A so-called Trad Wife isn’t traditional because of her choice of husband. It isn’t really about the husbands, at the end of the day, despite their fantasies of humble, obedient submission.

It’s about what is best for the family unit, specifically the welfare of the children and the smooth running of the household.

Meeting everyone’s needs so the family is healthy and thriving is extremely difficult with a full-time career and the skyrocketing cost of childcare that gobbles up 80%+ of each month’s salary. It’s not sustainable in most instances and it’s contrary to everyone’s best interests.

Hence the return to a more traditional approach, at least until the children are older and more independent. Being a Trad Wive is not a fashion

choice. It’s a practical necessity to ensure the raising of children is successful.

That will depend a lot on the trajectory of development of the individual children. Some kids blossom into full autonomy earlier than others, thus freeing up the mother to bring in some income from outside work. Some kids need the focused attention of a full-time caregiver (usually Mom) for longer.

The Dads may enjoy and benefit from the Trad Wife devoting herself to work at home, but it’s not really for his benefit. He has to adapt and adjust his life in a variety of ways, too, for the family to thrive. It’s about self-sacrifice for the care and nurturing of the next generation, at the end of the day.

It is - or it is supposed to be - a team effort.

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"The point is, what matters for most couples who used to be sexually degenerate but aren’t anymore—which is a lot of couples today—is that the man has had sex with more women than the woman has had sex with men"

I will have you know, I am still a sexual degenerate...

Interesting article. I had no idea there was a subgroup of women who get all bent put of shape for being with a guy that had his time with women.

Good to know.

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Women hate seeing other women happy and well loved. Sad.

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You'll enjoy my latest post then...

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Not a criticism of the article, which I think makes good points, but I want to point out the catch-22 problem.

It's similar to women all wanting a man who's better educated and makes more money than she does. Once college graduates are disproportionately female, and the "gender pay gap" is beyond eliminated, women find themselves with a significantly smaller pool of eligible men.

Same with the sexual history. If men should look for women less sexually experienceed than themselves, given that average women have much more access to sex than average men, what pool of eligible women does that leave for the 80% of men who aren't sexually attractive to average women and therefore have much less sexual opportunity and experience than 80% of women?

I guess the obvious answer is all men should get in the top 20% of both financial and sexual success. But see the issue with that? It doesn't scale. Which doesn't matter at all for the individual, but matters quite a bit to society as a whole.

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So...what is man, who is celibate and saving himself for Marriage -- hypothetically speaking -- is given a choice between a Single Mom, a Divorcee, a Widow, and / or a very promiscuous women?

As a potential Trad Man, do TradWomen™ not see the ironic hypocrisy on their side of Misandry?

There are way more celibate young men (whether by choice or by circumstance) who will outnumber TradWomen™ by, let's say 4 to 1 (a conservative number.) What do you think will happen to society? Men are now being told to save themselves for Marriage. What happens when they found out that their counterpart in the Western World is not doing the same thing? The old days of PWA'a, Chad's, and Alpha's are being drowned out by a huge number of sexually-frustrated young men. I do not envy the next generation of young men and women. See China and South Korea and Japan.

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I'm glad you read this stuff so I don't have to.

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lots of people are thrown off from the tone.

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What is a cad in this context? I’m not familiar with the term

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At the end of the day America is a capitalist country and capitalism is selling the cheapest possible product at the highest possible price.

Just as some foods that are marketed as healthy actually aren't, some women marketed as Trad really are not either. Every woman knows that plenty of men who market themselves as masculine definitely are not.

Anyone mad at 30 year old sorority girls rebranding by adding summer dresses to their wardrobe, conveniently forgot what America is and how America works.

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Why are humans so sexual? What is the reason? We could just get an instinctual urge to mate. But we don’t. Why? Sex is supposed to bond us together. But how? What are the mechanisms? Much more expansive topic than a comment here…

But suffice it to say most of the women complaining about not having low mileage guys are upset with the fact that men might castigate them for not being sufficiently low mileage.

I look at this on simple 1-10 scale dynamics, with age being a handicap. Everyone needs to be realistic. But in the trad community, people often are not

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