I’m old, and glad, all this Red Pill, blue pill, alpha, beta is meaningless rhetoric. People seem to have way too much time on their hands! I grew up at a time when men were men - they did what was necessary, and believe it or not- women had all the power- we gave it away, (feminists) and in doing so, men lost their purpose! Men need a purpose!

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Same here. So glad to have come of she in the 90s when we understood the sexs were different but liked that, and still dated. Those were easier times.

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If they're so rational and strong, why can't they find their purpose for themselves?

Women had all the power? When? When wife-beating was legal and child marriage was legal?

The people here are morons.

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Well, you're a feminist, so no one cares what you think besides other feminists.

It's 2024, physically assaulting your wife is illegal, but you are welcome to live in a past that no longer exists if you want.

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Why can't you address the first point?

If men are so strong and rational, why can't they find a purpose for themselves? They spent thousands of years telling themselves and women how men are superior, strong, and logical--now they lose the tiniest bit of their "power" (ie, legal use of violence) and they fall apart? That's strength?

The problem is that you don't have a global or historical view of humanity, as many low-IQ male apologists like you do not.

How did beating your wife become illegal? Who fought for that? When? Is that true for most women in the world? From Russia to Honduras to Afghanistan?

I don't live in the past. I live in reality with an understanding of the world (due to lots of traveling) and history.

We didn't fall out of the sky yesterday, and men would make wife-beating legal again in the US in two seconds if they could. And you'd go along with it probably. Not to mention the child marriage!

You'll figure it out after you file for divorce. Guess who made that possible--LOL!

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You are welcome to have a live conversation on my YouTube channel.

And men facilitated the protection of women because they have a monopoly on force. But, I understand it's incredibly necessary for feminists to take credit for things they did not accomplish.

My e-mail is aly@realfemsapien.com

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Men facilitated the protection of women?

Look up paterfamilias in the Roman Empire.

And please tell the Taliban.

And the Russian government.

They didn't get the memo.

I can't teach history here. Women fought, and fought hard, to enshrine laws against wife-beating.

The laws against wife-beating in the US really were established in the 1970s.

Guess who fought for them?


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You deny living in the past but you bring up paterfamilis?

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1. Not all men are strong and rational.

2.It was never legal to beat up your wife here.

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Bc society at large has actively demeaned men. In subtle and not so subtle ways. Check out any sitcom on prime time- the men/fathers are all weak, dumb, bumbling, the wives are condescending to their husbands and the kids are all wise- asses! Compare that to say Father knows best.

Not to say that all was perfect 50 years ago, but we have progressed ourselves to an unbalanced society!

Why are there so many young people who suffer from so much mental distress, and so many young men who are dying of drug overdoses???

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Have you never heard of monasticism? In those contexts, men and women alike find their own purpose.

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This was a great article Aly and I love how you distinguished between an Alpha Man/Beta Man and the fact that men are human beings with both qualities within them. I also like how you pointed out the instances when you need a man to be an asshole to you. I know this from personal experience as well. You should delve into that more in another article. "When to be an asshole" for both men and women in relationships.

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Eh. Maybe one reads it and does something with it, haha. We’ll see.

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As a man, I have long struggled to understand women. I know that red pilled people are new at being conservatives or republicans, thus they struggle for new identity. The visceral response to Trump is an example of the attraction of the alpha male. Trump has to convince males as well by assuming the veneer of integrity and conviction. Thus he can say “promises made; promises kept”. He is also brilliant at selecting J D Vance as his running mate. He is a man of true integrity who is also unafraid of confrontation. He is the first VP running mate my wife and I have been excited about since Sarah Palin(who may have been more “alpha” than John McCain).

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The selection of JD Vance as VP may turn out to be more important than is apparent now.

Trump is looking haggard these days. Yes, he’s under enormous pressure and campaigning is exhausting, but he looks like he’s aged 10 years in the past year.

Recall that he too was injected several times with the Deathvax™️ before he realized they were democidal poisons…and chose to remain silent about this fact and the millions of Americans who are injured, sick and dying from the clot shots.

Trump may not last for the next four years. Vance, his political opinions and his policy proposals should be the focus of our attention.

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Even amongst men the emotional pillar is a fucking prick. Given that a woman's relationship with her emotions is different from a man's and the weight placed on them is much higher, the emotional pillar is almost impossible to a woman to master.

Emotional Agility by Dr Susan Brown is a great supplement to read regarding this. Now back to the point.

Due to this fact, women, even if they know and have internalized the mental models, are going to have a fucking brutal time implementing them.

I don't think it is impossible, but it very difficult.

With my daughters, I arm them with the knowledge, but understand they are going to be emotional first and rational second. Given this they have their own strategies to help themselves and build the relationship tools that are valuable to men (along with other basic skill men typically deem valuable).

Like Patrice O'Neal said, "pussy is important, but it ain't special".

Women are just as guilty, if not more so, of mentally masturbating instead of taking agency and putting in the work.

Good work, Aly.

P.S. if some Karen wants to squawk at me because the got butthurt about what I wrote, get fucked in advance.



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The redpilled women I know are happily married.

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In a recent livestream, I covered the married red pill women actually seem to be genuine and wise women! The single ones are a bit inauthentic in my opinion as an observer.

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This is the first time I've ever read of "alpha" and "beta" qualities (as opposed to types). It's amazing how much more sensible it is to think of the terms in that way and I hope it catches on.

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You might like @Rian Stone’s work! That’s who I learned the concept from. He writes about polarity in long-term relationships. (And other things.)

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Rian Stone is the go to for relationship information. Saved my marriage.

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The diagnosis seems more right than wrong.

I would note that the expression of 'boldness' or 'nurturing' behaviors are generally contextual in socialized men.

Also, one 'alpha behavior for a man expressed in the wrong context can give a man a criminal record. Jail is not just for career sociopaths.

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Hoe_math has a chart about this.

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I love a-political women. So in touch with their femininity & their nature, by accident, by default. Not to mention they generally despise libtards on instinct.

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Women have to file lawsuits to keep men out of women's prisons and women's sports.

Please, let's be honest about male stupidity here and how society coddles it.

The total inability for males to engage in self-criticism and feel shame at their irrational behavior is their downfall.

They are their own biggest problem.

Crying about the feminisms are the problem and how men have no rights anymore won't do anything.

Until then, they can stick with their porn and video games. Nobody should care.

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And what sex welcomed and facilitated the condemnation of male spaces while enabling the infiltration of women's spaces by men?

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No female ever fought to enter male bathrooms, prisons, or weight lifting competitions.

We're not the physical threat. Males are not physically intimidated by females, and any one who says they are is lying.

Women fought for access to education, politics, government, their own bank accounts, and employment. Why was that fight necessary? Why do males feel so comfortable keeping women out of power by force? That's a mystery, no?

And now even women who claim to be against feminism take full advantage of it and use it to earn money because they're phony. Otherwise what's the point of "conservative" e-girls?

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Trans men have only been able to penetrate (yup) these spaces due to aggressive support from the feminist and gender crit supporters among the elite. Without support from women, these efforts would wither and die. Men may certainly have invited much of today’s ills on themselves, but this one lay almost entirely at the feet of women - the most left-wing of whom refuse to even define the term.

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Men opposed transgenderism at far greater rates than women did; and the majority of women supported it.

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You just put the worst possible caricature of a man on trial and decided all men are like that.

This is precisely what redpill dudes do to women.

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I would suggest to you that these women dio their toe in, but never even come to understand what the Red Pill is. They just think they know. The first sign of that is when they either try to fit it into a specific definition and end up defining it as whaevert they think will benefit them. Further, what happens 99% of the time, is that they turn out to be chameleons who show their true "blue" (libtard pun intended) colors at some point.

P.S. I slways find it cute when men and women talk about the 80's & 90's and how it was "real men and womdn back then", never realizing just how Feminist they already were. 🙂 But it's even funnier when so many of both sex claim; "I'm not a feminist.", not understanding that literally 99% of the members of both sexes are indeed very feminist! They just don't realize it, because people act like it all just started when they were born and figure that since they don't agree with the "rabid feminist" stuff they hear today, that they're not feminists. But in truth, what they were brought up with (as the society) is what the "rabid feminists" were screaming for at the time they were born and before. And so the society we live in today is not because "feminism used to be good and then turned evil", but is rather simply the accumulation of almost 150 years of "rabid feminism". The rabid is not the fringe. It is feminism, period! They simply don't realize that the education system is feminist run and has rewritten the history of the sexes, all of it, in terms of the oppression of women. Ask any woman graduating today and she'll tell you how "women were slaves" and a whole bunch of other lies! Even the story taught about Suffrage is a reframed fabrication! Yes, I can quote from feminist writing how they were going to do this. And they did!

Just remember that every single thing feminism (and of course by extension a feminist) tells you is either a flat out lie, or at best, a half truth. Yes, every single thing!

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Original feminism had good aims. We could quibble about whether the movement as such was good. It also had some bad aims. It always sought some level of disintegration of the family, which is a massive problem for societies.

Feminism “went bad” the way vinegar goes bad. It went from a thing that is useful in very small doses in very specific contexts to a thing that is rancid and repulsive to any good sense.

Following on this analogy, I would suggest that the Red Pill is another flavor of vinegar, and the more popular it becomes, the more rancid it seems to be becoming.

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No, the "original feminism" did NOT "have good aims". It was ALWAYS a Marxist-style, misandrist movement. In fact, back in the late-1800's - early-1900's, they were called "terrorists" by the media of the day. Why? Burning churches, for one. Just like they do wherever feminusm spreads to today (check Brazil recently). But also because they would would threaten to commit arsons and bombings, or even commit them, to get their way, or if they didn't get their way.

No, it was never "good". As I said, every single thing that feminism has ever stated was either a flat out lie, or at best a half-truth. And I included Suffrage in that. But feminism, which controls education and the media now, has rewritten the history.

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Feminism is cancer. It went from a thing that kills society over time to Turbo Cancer. As such, it has started cannibalising even itself.

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Males do nothing but project and gaslight.

Read that again.

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Irony alert.

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This article is a good critique of the behaviors of red-pill women from inside the red-pill philosophical framework. I think people reading it should keep that in mind. If someone is red pill, this article is pretty much spot-on. If someone is red-pill.

It also makes some corrections to some red-pill premises to bring them more in line with reality, especially swapping the division of men in alpha/beta for behavioral characteristics. However, it does still implicitly work from the RP premise that “all women are like that,” which is probably the most problematic and least conformed to reality premise of the whole philosophy.

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Wouldn’t a woman who is gaining weight and not caring for herself want her husband to snap her out of it? It seems unloving to leave someone in that state.

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Just like there's no atheist in a foxhole, there's suddenly no feminist when the check arrives...

What's wrong, independent grrlboss?

Your weight = your job.

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Tbh Aly I appreciate you but I think that you're an outlier in that you like men way more than the average woman does.

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Would you please add a glossary that clearly defines “Red Pill Women” and “Blue Pill Women”?

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Agreed, the terminology is a bit hazy. I think a mistake to conflate appreciating Alphas and being Redpilled. While there is certainly overlap, one is behavioral and one is political. The ultimate redpilled female imo would be a tradwife - who may or may not be married to an Alpha.

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The old school teaching is women shouldn’t Know the Game( Red Pill). Knowing kills the “magic” or Dance as you put it. If she does know, all a man can say is “Who cares” and decide how to lead or leave.

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