From my observations, Red Pill women want to be side chicks or forever alone1. That's the only conclusion I can reach after witnessing multiple women crossing that line of information and not trading their sexual agency for protection and provisioning while they can snag a good deal with a male mate they are qualified for. Being a side chick or forever alone is not any different than the single and childless epidemic plaguing women en masse. It seems that, although Red Pill women are “aware,” they are still women victims of their own feminine folly.
As always, this is never about anyone specific. I have seen many Red Pill women come and go, given the nature of my work. Somehow, even armed with information, they still lack the confidence or compromise to select a mate. The Hypergamous question is arguably too anxiety-provoking for these women to do anything practical about it. They would much rather sit around and theorize the kind of man they want than do the work required to garner his affections, if they are even at all familiar with what it is they “want.”
Women are terrible negotiators. No matter what pills they take.
Delusions of grandeur for Red Pill women are some of my favorite to contemplate because they never delve into Red Pill material enough to know what it means and what is implied by some of their desires in male mates. All a Red Pill Woman knows is that she wants an Alpha Male. That’s the underlying basis for her preference of man, one who arouses her. Nevermind all the many other deeply necessary and valuable qualities one might desire in a male mate.
In my first Fempill article, I explain there is no such thing as Alpha Men and Beta Men. There are only Alpha qualities and Beta qualities in a man. That’s the most helpful framework a woman can use to contemplate the necessary arousal and security from a well-rounded mate. Alpha qualities are arousing, while Beta qualities are comforting. Unless you are a sociopathic BPD chick who only lives for the thrill a man gives you, there will be many instances where you want a man to express comforting qualities. The last thing a mother wants to deal with from the father of her children is that he be an untamed stallion off to do whatever he wants, leaving her to lead her family and figure things out herself. Red Pill Women do not understand Alpha does not equate to good.
The archetype of the Alpha Male is a man who lives life on his terms and is willing to push the envelope to get what he wants. A woman hopes and dreams this sort of man will want nothing more than to slay dragons, marry her, impregnate her, and suddenly transform into a cuddly but dangerous father immediately afterward.
This is a fantasy. Remember, alpha does not mean good.
The prison system is full of Alpha Males who are willing to push the envelope far enough to land severe social consequences.
Too much alpha lands a man in jail.
A man with a love of freedom and a capacity for violence who is willing to use it2 is often going to be much more disagreeable than most single women can comprehend. The wisest women know how to work with this because the ROI for a well-adjusted man with a capacity for violence who wants monogamy and children is insane.
So, a Red Pill Woman (RPW) wants an alpha male… Well, I sure hope she’s wise enough to vet and understand the importance of a man evoking comfort in a woman.
Because an RPW holds an ideal of a man she is ill-informed about, she will never be able to find a man to fill those shoes because all men fall short of archetypes and ideals, aside from 1) her being a terrible negotiator and 2) she doesn’t see the value in beta qualities.
Men are human beings, not archetypes. Men have also been feminized for several decades since Feminist indoctrination took hold of Western culture completely. Having a severe disgust response to a man exhibiting comforting qualities is a sign of a woman who is psychologically unstable in one way or another. This can be corrected, but if you experience visceral disgust when a man performs kindnesses for you because he’s easy on you, you’re revealing your preference for dating an attractive asshole. It is a woman’s right and prerogative to do so, but she doesn’t want a relationship more likely, she wants the guy. This means she idolizes men above many other important things, such as God or her best interests.
A man with options does not necessarily want to be the center of your universe because that comes with maintenance he might find too annoying to commit to versus having a relationship with a woman who is her mental point of origin and recognizes the importance of a man and male headship. A woman who can leave a man alone to follow her pursuits and reconvene in the evenings together.
To illustrate, a woman who is obsessed with a man to the point of replacing God with him is wildly clingy and unattractive. The woman who can leave a man alone to decompress and maintain his hobbies and friendships while she goes on to do her own hobbies and maintain her own friendships will be the more desirable female mate.
Quality men don’t want to maintain relationships with invalid women who are liabilities. They want a woman who is an asset and knows the dance of polarity.
Why would I want a man to act Beta?
The problem is not a man displaying comforting qualities (remember, we’re swapping beta for comfort for better understanding). The problem is a man displaying too many comforting qualities too frequently. When people get complacent, relationships tend to die because both become lumps on logs with no further goals or ambitions. They converge on a joint mission of “breathing air together until they die.”
That’s an incredibly boring and unsexy way to live for the man or woman involved, and it’s no wonder dead bedrooms exist in such prevalence today. Many men and women think marriage is the finish line to coast to their death.
You want a man to be more comforting than anxiety-provoking while you’re pregnant and postpartum. You also want a man to be more comforting than anxiety-provoking when you’re in a hyperemotional state and looking for a rock to ground you. But, you may not want a man to be more comforting than anxiety-provoking if you’re in a lull of subperformance in life. You’re slumming it out, eating too much, not keeping a clean home, and you’re on your phone more than you should be. He doesn’t care. He smiles and nods, pays your mortgage, and pats you on the head even if you put on 30 lbs and argue too much.
This is the problem with a man having too many comforting qualities in improper contexts. It breeds mediocrity.
But, in the appropriate context of being a pregnant beach ball and him bringing you water more frequently, opening doors for you, and helping you up when you struggle to do so yourself, those comforting qualities are ideal.
Relationships are a dance.
In summation, RPW don’t know what they want because they’re still women. They think they know the Red Pill, but they really don’t, which is more evidence that women function on vibes alone. Unfortunately, the game of hypergamy is much more than just ✨ vibes ✨. Women struggle with singleness and childlessness more than ever before. If they were the more correct sex on relationships, they wouldn’t struggle this badly with mate selection and reproduction with the leverage they wield. Most women want to be monogamous mothers, and yet, seemingly can’t meet the goal. It could be that women are lying about what they want when surveyed by social scientists.
Maybe the truth is women would rather be side chicks, forever alone, or childless because if they didn’t, they would be doing these things more. Who knows?
Women do not understand how men work or what they like, to their demise. The women who get it get it, and they get married and have babies and robust sex lives. (This all takes work to maintain; it’s not nearly as simple as I’m making it out to be in maintaining a long-term relationship.)
May the hypergamous odds be ever in your favor. Godspeed.
Looking closely at the above picture, you’ll see the man pushing the woman away. I thought it was fitting for today’s conversation, hahaha.
There are plenty of RPW who are overweight and single. If they truly bought into the principles, they would know beauty is the top priority for men who are visual creatures and drop the extra weight. Watch what women do, not what they say.
A capacity for violence is not the same thing as being willing to inflict violence when necessary.
I’m old, and glad, all this Red Pill, blue pill, alpha, beta is meaningless rhetoric. People seem to have way too much time on their hands! I grew up at a time when men were men - they did what was necessary, and believe it or not- women had all the power- we gave it away, (feminists) and in doing so, men lost their purpose! Men need a purpose!
This was a great article Aly and I love how you distinguished between an Alpha Man/Beta Man and the fact that men are human beings with both qualities within them. I also like how you pointed out the instances when you need a man to be an asshole to you. I know this from personal experience as well. You should delve into that more in another article. "When to be an asshole" for both men and women in relationships.