I started off disagreeing based on the title but by the end you convinced me!

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Omg. Is this an... Award? 🏆 Yeah, sad to say, but this is what happens in the most unromantic of relationships, lol.

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It's hard for people in relationships to admit that 'crappy' is better than nothing. But that's how most relationships end up anyway (no matter where they start). I say we just make the best of 'crappy' and stop beating each other up.

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That's dumb. Women will always hate men who aren't Super-Chads. There is no making the best of anything. There is only Eternal Misery. Women hated me first, I'm justified and I'm never stopping the slugging.

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Your rejection of my position is virtually a seal of approval.

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I will say, I don't understand what marriage even is in the context of modern relationships. In the past the man could not get legitimate sex, or have legitimate children, unless he was married to the woman. What benefit is there now for either one?

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I agree with you. That’s why as a lawyer and a Christian, I do not believe in American marriage. The blade of grass on my lawn has more legal protection than my marriage has from no fault divorce. However I do believe in Biblical marriage where a marriage is a covenant involving 3 - husband wife and the Lord Jesus Christ. I can commit to and love my wife because I share the love I have received from the Lord Jesus. The spiritual, emotional and physical intimacy I share with my wife is so wonderful that I cannot accurately describe it. Blessings.

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Modern America, including the government, the church, and the family, has by and large abandoned what the Scriptures have to say on marriage.

Which makes it all the more important that we preach it.

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Doesn't everyone settle or compromise in some way? Even single people settle for themselves. 🤷‍♀️

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Interesting article, relationships are confusing and difficult. There is no right way to pursue one only the way that feels satisfying for the two (or more) people involved.

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Men have agency, in general. But not all men actually do as individuals. Or at least the amount of agency they have varies a lot. Just as with women. Of course this then means that they're vulnerable sndnkight need some extra social support and even simplification, but only because they're psychologically deficient/stupid. Never heard of a "shut up ring" but it seems like a useful term for those types of men to learn so that they're less likely to be bullied into doing something they probably shouldn't.

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I think I did this to my soon to be ex-wife. First, she pressured me into us moving in together, which almost led to us breaking up. I recanted and agreed with much guilt. Something like a year later, I asked her to marry me, but I also was dragging my feet at least mentally. I wanted to be married, but I never had that compelling pressure to do so. There was never that huge, romantic urge on my part like I had felt for earlier girls/women I had, unsuccessfully, pursued in my youth. I think deep down I knew the issues we would have, but less for the "having the milk for free aspect" was the status quo of us being together and living together and the familial difficulty breaking up would cause, etc., etc.

There was guilt offered by my wife, for sure. It's not that I did not make every aspect of the engagement have import, although in hindsight even that could have been done better, but I think I agree there was a measure of "shut-up" about it. She definitely had her life map in front of her as much as she could, while mine was not even unfolded at least in that aspect.

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Rarely happens in Christian circles unless the guy is basically asexual! Lol

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Yes, It doesn't exist. This is just male post-rationalization.

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