Male Sexuality, Porn Consumption, and the Hysteria of Modern Feminine Discourse
Do women hate male sexuality?
A topic I like to cover because it falls into the human phenomenon of dating and mating is male sexuality. My fellow women have mislabeled me as seeking male sexual attention for covering this topic. Naturally, I will get attention from thirsty men when covering a sexual topic that pertains to them because I am a woman, and they are starved of female attention. I am willing to bet if a man covers this same topic, he does not get strange schizophrenic e-mails, DMs, or replies.
I find dating and mating to be the most interesting human phenomenon above all else. Often, it seems the craziest things humans will do in life are behaviors performed to attract an optimal mate. Humans will do wildly unethical and immoral things in the name of mate selection, and it's fun to observe! I have researched and observed human dating and mating for four years and post about it often. Everyone has their hobby, and this is mine. My hobby is also fitting because I have an undergraduate degree in anthropology.
(I am this man displaying his glorious Lego hobbyist obsession, except my obsession is human dating and mating.)
It is undeniable that my hobby attracts a significant amount of male attention, though I'm unsure how much is purely sexual. I keep my DMs closed to the general public and avoid marketing my body, focusing instead on promoting a healthy weight through modest attire, where a sharp jawline still conveys a lot. I intentionally cover up in most online photos to avoid receiving unwanted, overt sexual messages, successfully steering clear of provocative marketing. However, this male attention seems to spur unnecessary contention from other women when I neutrally discuss male sexuality, possibly because they covet the attention I receive, which I suspect fuels their social attacks. While male attention can be a valuable asset, it also poses risks, especially from unstable individuals; women often overlook these dangers due to a false sense of security in our relatively safe culture.
To facilitate a more balanced perspective on human sexuality, I would cover female sexuality more, but I worry it would create a much thirstier audience of men who would not be seeking to be informed but rather who would use my commentary as a sexual outlet. I refrain from covering female sexuality as a result. I have a lot of thoughts on female sexuality I would love to share. Particularly the myths and misinformation on female sexuality men pass around online, for example, the myth of microchimerism. Sadly, that must be another woman's crusade to wage for womankind.
In my latest coverage of male sexuality1, I explained the complexity of the porn epidemic. I do believe it is an epidemic, but not for any of the reasons women say it is. I would argue the perversion of the minds of children is a far greater stain on humanity than the perversion of men’s minds. I find women are psychotically obsessed with male porn consumption.
Keep in mind that both men and women consume pornography, but women omit this fact from their online commentary on how disgusting it is for men to consume pornography. That's very convenient of them if you ask me. From some research I've done, it appears men watch porn more than women. In a sample size of 1,392 adults from the ages of 18-73, 91.5% of men stated they consumed porn in the past month, while 60.2% of women said they consumed it in the past month. This survey indicates it is not uncommon for porn to be consumed by married couples. It is also the consensus that women read more written pornography than men (smut), and married and single men tend to watch porn alone more than married and single women do.
I don't have much commentary on Gen X and older's porn consumption habits because they grew up scheming to steal VHS tapes and magazines of it and seem to have successfully avoided melting their brains with it. I am particularly concerned with Millennials and Gen Z's (MillenZ) porn habits because something much more nefarious has happened to this demographic than all the others: unrestricted access to free pornography via smartphones and computers.
What I find most perplexing about the MillenZ female cohort regarding this topic is that they cannot understand how this incursion on their generation’s childhood innocence has impacted their male peers on a macro level. They tend to think in the most reductive way possible on the phenomenon of male porn consumption by reducing their takes on it to “Ew! Men ejaculate to a screen!”
Yes, they do ejaculate to a screen. Similarly, single and married women post their cleavage on social media for the world to see for likes and additional male sexual options. That seems pretty disgusting to me. If anything, it’s more repulsive to me because we are all expected to pretend this is an acceptable and unharmful sociosexual behavior when none of us have to pretend male porn consumption is an acceptable and unharmful sociosexual behavior. Women demand that we lie or face social consequences about their thirst-trapping, while men at least have the humility to be embarrassed by their porn consumption habits if confronted.
Thirst trapping and posting cleavage is not an unharmful sexual behavior women perform, especially as wives and mothers. I will give single women who are husband-hunting the benefit of the doubt within reason. However, it is still worth noting how insane it is the number of women overtly obsessed with male sexual attention while flaunting subpar goods.
It is both sad and hilarious if you think about it. Millennial Women are STILL thirst-trapping after 15+ years of social media exposure. We are 30-42 years old, and there are much younger, hotter, and more tech-savvy women online posting their physiques. Millennial Women seem to be unaware that they are not objectively attractive anymore. (It's okay, I'm not either. I peaked at 24. I have no qualms admitting this. I can still be appealing for my age, but I am in no way sexually competitive with younger, more beautiful women or my younger self.)
What I mean by women are psychotically obsessed with male porn consumption is that they cyclically post about it as a collective on the social media platform X daily and weekly. These same women are likely watching porn themselves and/or are sexually active, all the while omitting this reality from their discourse.
The psychotic obsession has led women to label men and male behaviors they don't like as "porn-brained," which is a fancy and dense way of saying, "Ew! Boys are stinky!" Am I expected to believe women mature past the age of 21 given the childish nature of their insults? “Porn-brained, gay, incel.” It’s all so tiring to hear, and nothing is original. On the flip side, they tell women similar crayon-eating insults: “Pick me, shaped like a refrigerator2, bucked-tooth.” I get insulted by women online relatively often, and predictably, it always comes down to insults of my looks, social shaming, and moral grandstanding.
I call their obsession with male porn consumption psychotic because I have seen women go through significant mental gymnastics to make outlandish claims about it. For example, I have seen women compare porn consumption to real-world physical cheating.
That is like saying window shopping is real shopping. It does not make sense because only one form of shopping results in a bank account transaction while the other does not. They are not the same action, although they are similar. A man watching porn is not the same as him physically cheating. He can’t get a digital woman pregnant or get a disease from her.
My calling out this simple example could easily result in accusations from women that I am a porn apologist or pro-porn. I am not. I have morals, but I don't post about them to dance like a monkey in front of my female cohort--if I post about them at all. My female cohort is insatiable anyway. No matter what morals I have or post about, I would never meet their moral hierarchical standards (and neither do their husbands and/or children). I do not need to post about my morals online to possess them in reality. People can discern my values based on my demographics and posts over time. Overall, they should be able to determine that I married young, have children, am Christian, love America, and like to maintain a healthy weight. I don't need to simp for women by appealing to feminine morality through posting, "HEY! PORN IS BAD AND EXPLOITATIVE! MEN ARE PIGS FOR WATCHING IT! RIGHT?! RIGHT?!"3
I find it difficult to take my female peers seriously because there often seems to be an unspoken expectation for me to agree with perspectives I find illogical in social exchanges. For example, having a female peer who would be far more upset by her male mate physically cheating on her than watching pornography insisting in conversation that the latter constitutes "carnal infidelity." A wife would divorce a man over a mistress much quicker than she would over occasional pornography consumption. It feels as though I’m expected to nod along and validate this inconsistency. Why am I being asked to feign delusion to preserve social harmony?
A final note on the logic and reasoning behind male porn consumption being considered carnal infidelity, were the roles reversed and a woman owned even a vibrator (or a more phallic object) for self-pleasure, that would be grounds for divorce.
At the end of the day, if you follow women’s words over their actions when discussing male sexuality, they believe men should be eunuchs who pay women’s bills.
I will explain this with…
Cheat Code Logic to Win Every Debate on Male Sexuality Ever
The questions below are listed with expected answers from most women that demonstrate that the end conclusion is "Men should be eunuchs who pay women's bills, and women can be as promiscuous as they want."
Q: Do men have 17-75 times the amount of testosterone women do, leading them to a more frequent and intense desire for sex than women?
A: Yes. (Some women don't even know this.)
Q: Can single men play the field sexually?
A: No.
Q: Should single men get married for sexual access?
A: Yes
Q: What if no woman wants to marry him?
A: He should try harder.
Q: Should single men be able to use paid professionals, porn, or self-pleasure to satiate their sexual appetite?
A: No.
Q: Are wives obligated to provide their husband's sex?
A: No.
Q: Are husbands obligated to provide their wives with financial sustenance unless disabled?
A: Yes.
Q: Are husbands allowed to opt out of financial provisioning if they don’t feel like providing?
A: No.
Q: Can men who are in long-term relationships (LTRs) with women cheat if they are not getting sexual access?
A: No.
Q: Can men who are in LTRs without sexual access use porn to satiate their sexual appetite?
A: No.
Q: Can men who are in LTRs without sexual access pleasure themselves using their hands and minds?
A: No.
Q: Should our culture expect single women to maintain their virginity until marriage?
A: Men should stop sleeping with women who are not married to them. (The answer is no here.)
Q: Should our culture expect women to be chaste?
A: No, attractive men are responsible for women's sexual immorality and should be more disciplined.
Q: Should husbands expect their wives to be virginal?4
A: No.
Q: For how long should a man in an LTR tolerate sexlessness before he leaves?
A: Idk.
Q: Should a man end an LTR he is not receiving sex in?
A: No. He should find a way to romance her.
Q: If a man does romance his woman for sex and it fails repeatedly, should he end the relationship?
A: No. He should try harder.
The conclusions of the answers to the questions listed above are:
Men should not think about sex.
Men should not exercise their sexuality.
Men should have no expectation of sex in relationships.
Men should not expect the virginity or chastity of women.
Women should expect men they are in relationships with to pay their bills.
Suppose you take women from their initial argument expressing grievance about male sexual morality to the end. You can typically expect them to conclude, "Men should be eunuchs who pay women's bills, and women can be as promiscuous as they want." Women are seldom arguing in consideration of men's humanity when it comes to human sexuality. They don't care. There is no endpoint. He is to become a monk if lacking sexual access.
The transactional perspective of "Cheat Code Logic to Win Every Argument on Male Sexuality Ever" will open me up to criticism from women that I have forgone the vital element of romance and charm in relationships and reduced it to pure transaction. Of course romance and charm matter, but I avoid providing commentary on romance because if I do, it will give young single women in my audience a standard for men to fulfill. Imposing my romantic experiences as benchmarks for young women to measure men against would be unethical. Women already have astronomical standards for men. It would be awful of me to unintentionally contribute to feminine delusion by publicly discussing the tender and lavish experiences my husband has given me while knowing this. There have been plenty, but again, if I write about romance, it's my subjective experience and standard, and doing so could lead women astray. My best advice on romance is to follow your instincts and enjoy it. If you are instinct-injured, you will suffer romantically, but if your instincts are proper and functional, you will experience romance.
Back to the topic of male sexuality, the reality is most women's verbal arguments on male sexual morality go out the window the second a charming, athletic man with resources glances their way. Is she thinking in that particular moment, "He better not even think about touching me," or is it more likely she is thinking, "I would love it if he dominated me with a lustful and handsy kiss"?
As much as people hate the Red Pill™️ guys, they are right on some points. Women break the rules for alphas and make rules for betas. The theoretical reasoning behind this behavior is complicated; I cannot explain it in this article. You can read about it in one of my old blog posts explaining women's dual-mating dilemma. Academia currently refutes the existence of a female Dual-Mating strategy. Still, I don't believe them because I have seen far too many women go from a Hot Degenerate to a Yes Dear Husband conveniently in their late twenties and early thirties.
I don’t think women are bad people for their mating behaviors; I get it. I have had moments where I desperately wanted a hot, charming, resourceful guy to retain for a lifetime and would’ve done almost anything to get one. Those guys are in short supply, and they’re desirable. However, I believe this mating strategy can make women do terrible things to men, women, and children. That is what I take the most issue with. One such example of an awful thing is demonizing male sexuality.
To give women some credit, I will admit there are instances where a woman could have a valid grievance about a man’s porn consumption. My only counter is that I believe they are truly few and far between.
As a disclaimer, nowhere in this article have I claimed nor will I discuss the morality of porn creation or consumption. I will tell you I find it immoral personally for many reasons, which include but are not limited to my religion.
The focus of this discussion is the widespread use of pornography among both single and married men. Why do they use it? What does it signify? What concerns surrounding its consumption are valid or invalid, particularly in the context of dating and relationships? Below are key points to consider when assessing whether or not a woman's objections to pornography are grounded in reality or hysteria.
Men who do not struggle with or consume porn are still considered sexually deviant.
Women say they want a man who does not use porn or struggle with its consumption. However, most men who do not consume porn or struggle with it are men who have options in women and possibly exercise those options. Most women would say out loud that the men exercising those options are sexual deviants anyway, but I’m sure most women have slept with at least one of those guys, so there’s a bit of a distortion of preferences there. If a man is single and uses porn instead of going monk mode, he is bad. But if he is attractive and sleeps with women to satisfy his sexual appetite, maybe a woman would make an exception and forgo sexual morality just for him and later condemn his sexual immorality if he were to break things off with her afterward.
Porn consumption is an expression of a lack of sexual access for most single men.
I think men consume porn primarily out of a lack of sexual access or because they have been groomed to do so. I will explain more about grooming later.
Reminder: 63% of men under age 30 are single, while only 34% of their female cohort are. About half of singles today allege they are not looking for romance. This cannot be because all of these single men are outrageously desirable and fighting off women flinging themselves at them. They are finding sexual satiation elsewhere.
Brothels were criminalized culturally roughly 110 years ago in the United States. As a result, porn has become a single (and sometimes married) unmateworthy man’s only outlet for sexual release. Granted, he could use books, audio, or his imagination if he wanted to, but that would be an unlikely poison of choice for your average man.
I understand the desire to ban porn and support it, but I support it for different reasons than most women. We can and should ban porn because it would make it harder for children to view it. However, in terms of curtailing single men’s sexuality, a black market would emerge if we did so. You cannot stop single men from looking to satiate themselves if they want to. (Sorry, ladies.)
A counterargument to porn consumption being an expression of a lack of sexual access for most single men is that there are married men with fulfilling sex lives with their wives who still watch it. Is it not possible that the male in the scenario has an insane sex drive? It has to be he is addicted to porn? It can't be that he has an absurd amount of testosterone, and his wife, understandably, can't keep up?
There is a chance he could be a sex addict, but only 3-6% of the population is. Some guys are just high testosterone, which could quickly become very uncomfortable for his wife to satiate. It doesn’t have to be that he is a gooner. If you’re a woman in this situation, go to footnote #5 below5.
Women are pretending to care about the sexual habits of men they are not at all interested in.
Women are not particularly interested in men who overly consume pornography unless they accidentally find themselves dating or marrying one who overindulges himself. Alternatively, women may be aware they may need an unmateworthy man in the future once dating becomes tough for them because he has resources other women are not using, and competition for his attention is low. He is the best they could get that would provide those resources.
If there were a guy out there who was well-earning, unattractive and lacks charm, he would be an inactive participant in the dating pool if he received enough sexual fulfillment from pornography. This takes potential resources away from women in the dating pool.
Women seem unclear on what constitutes porn use being an addiction.
An addiction is measurably life-ruining. A person sells their body, steals from others, struggles to pay their bills, or struggles to maintain employment to sustain an addiction. How many men “addicted” to porn meet any of these four criteria? Almost none. At worst, it’s a bad habit that can be remedied by sexual access to a woman and going screen-free.
For example, a man may get a flip phone, ditch his televisions, and have his wife lock up his laptop, only to be released for professional use for 14-30 days or more. He should relinquish his devices for however long it takes for him to get into the habit of being sexually aroused by his wife's body and having sex with her versus watching sex on a screen. Yes, habitual porn use can alter brain chemistry, but so can habitual use of nearly anything. Including habitual use of social media and screens, which women seem to have an extreme affinity for!
Be mindful that my suggested technique will not work if a wife is sincerely unattractive to her husband. However, this does not happen overnight. I am well aware that some wives put on far too much weight than is healthy after marriage, and that can alter a husband's attraction to her. The same can be said for many husbands.
Women are often addicted to social media and can effortlessly get male validation and options within as simple of a process as a thumbtap on their smartphones. If she is feeling bad or ugly, she can post a thirst trap and be inundated with likes and simps. Is this not too a potentially sexual sociosexual phenomenon? And if not pursuing male attention, the dopamine hit of likes given from women to women is still an excitable stimulation for them.
Worthy of mention is that women's addiction to social media often overlaps with the realm of screen addiction. If women are arguing about brain changes induced by bad habits like porn, screen addiction shrinks grey matter6. Women are shrinking their brains, and no one seems to care about that. It similarly ruins marriages and relationships with children, but because women do it, I guess it's okay?
It is incredibly infantilizing of men for women to suggest men have a porn addiction when typically, it’s a bad habit. There is a necessary distinction between a substance user, abuser, and addict. Calling a habit an addiction will encourage a weak man who cannot refrain from overindulging in porn to throw his hands in the air and say, “I can’t help it! I’m an addict!” rather than alter his use of electronics and pursue real change.
Separately, if women believe porn addiction is real, why do they not treat current and former OnlyFans models similar to how they would treat current and former drug dealers? Again, this is more evidence that they are hysterically conflating a bad habit with an addiction. This is not sensible. If they do think it’s an addiction when it’s not, I’m forced to conclude these women are unintelligent or neurotic.
Some married women are entering new marriages to discover impotent husbands.
One valid concern of a man having a significant porn habit is impotence. I think young wives find themselves in this situation when marrying MillenZ men. This is where grooming comes into the picture. The average age of exposure to porn is 11-13 years old for males7. This means porn executives are grooming CHILDREN to become lifelong customers. On this note, it is crucial to consider that the average age of exposure will likely continue to drop with the exponential advancement and use of smart devices. For a more comprehensive understanding of modern childhood, you can watch a documentary called Childhood 2.0, which I will link for you HERE. This specific point is why Millennial Women particularly irritate me in the porn debate because we have also had exposure to digital dangers. Yet, we are too solipsistic to think, “Huh, how did the experiments social media and porn companies ran on us as kids change men forever?”
I am a Baby Millennial who saw the fallout of unsupervised social media use among preteens. It led to a lot of dysfunction in that generation, which you can read in my X post HERE. For a quick update on modern preteen dating, the new “talking” phase for preteens is sexting. This is massively problematic and cannot solely be blamed on the male sex because these are new sexually dysfunctional behaviors created by porn executives and neglectful parents.
(This is who you’re calling a weak man for porn consumption problems, btw.)
Somehow, women do not care that boys are having their brains fried, and it is entirely out of their control. Never mind that the emergence of social media has equally fried young women’s brains. To illustrate, modern women and preteen girls are constantly competing with each other sexually, seeking male attention, groomed into eating disorders and body dysmorphia, competing with other women socially, having deluded standards of men implanted in their minds, and having neutral behaviors in men labeled as abusive. As I said, they’re shrinking their grey matter and reducing their intimacy with men, and no one cares. All the while, young boys have been groomed and are actively groomed into severe sexual dysfunction, and there is zero grace for it as they become men.
When I say this, I get accused of infantilizing men who genuinely struggle with porn. I am not; I am explaining this phenomenon has a nefarious starting point, and women need to familiarize themselves with it. If women do not see mating as a reason for understanding this phenomenon, they might see their potential to become boy moms as a reason to be curious about the subject.
The way I see many women talk about men and porn leads me to believe they would be the last ones their sons could or would go to if they found themselves exposed to adult content and consequently struggled with it. It is exceptionally poor parenting to ignore the digital dangers children are exposed to, and the women running around pointing fingers and laughing at men saying “porn brain, porn brain, porn brain” are going to be terrible mothers. Today's version of childhood is an entirely new frontier; if women cannot get hip to the threats of this new environment, they will be deemed ignorant by women who can see the forest before the trees and care about their husbands, brothers, and sons.
(Pictured above is an explanation of the word porn brained being reduced to the same exaggeratory use as the words “racist/sexist” in recent years. Both men and women use the term porn brained hyperbolically over minor expressions of male sexuality.)
To illustrate how inept some women are with the dangers of today's internet technology, we will analyze Mommy Bloggers. For some reason, Millennial Women developed the social media phenomenon of the “Mommy Blogger.” This is a woman who aggressively uses her kids as a means of social media attention and notoriety. The audience knows their children’s ages, names, state they live in, birthdays, intimate moments, what they look like, and more. No one should ever know this much about a stranger’s kids.
Additionally, it is observed that these Mommy Bloggers sometimes parade around an accessory of a husband for a wholesome appeal while toting an enviable physique that may or may not be displayed to the public to maintain extra options in men, but that’s not pertinent to the conversation. I am listing some additional identifiers of these women for you to understand as a reader so you may identify them next time you scroll on social media.
The kids are pertinent to the discussion because these women sometimes film and photograph their children in precarious situations with compromising clothing and post it. Their children may be doing innocent physical activities in swimsuits, sportswear, or shorts. On the surface, a video or photo post of this sort looks cute and pure to an audience. As a viewer, you may notice it's not a particularly valuable post. You learned nothing from the post, but there are a lot of unusual bookmarks or saves compared to likes and comments on the post. Why would someone want to go back to an uninformative post of a child in compromising clothing performing a physical activity?
Because they’re a pedophile, that’s why. Please keep in mind that predators will know a lot of identifiable information on these children based on their mother’s posts as well! I can only assume that Mommy Bloggers are either blissfully unaware or that they know this and don’t care. I like to give Western women the benefit of the doubt because they are so protected from the dangers of this world that they can't even tell when they're facilitating the trafficking of their kids' pictures and videos. But this same lack of understanding of the dangers of modern social technology results in the lack of grace for boys’ modern plight of early exposure to high-engagement porn, which impacts them as they become men.
A demonstration of this lack of grace has been women offering up the rebuttal that the boys involved in early exposure to porn were "looking for it" or "their parents failed them." These are idiotic statements because there is no objective way to protect kids from the internet. If a boy has any friends with electronic devices and less protective parents, he is going to end up seeing porn if a friend of his shows him, and he will likely be tempted to look at it independently later. Parents can control and influence their children to a degree, but not the children of other parents. While a boy may not want to look at porn, his pal on the school bus may show him anyway. This is why women need to condemn all involved in porn, such as executives, directors, actresses, and actors, instead of denouncing the user alone. No boy's brain is prepared to handle the supernormal stimuli of porn, and I would not be surprised if this early exposure to pornography significantly impacts MillenZ marriages.
The right thing to do if a woman finds herself married to a MillenZ man who has a moderate to severe porn habit is to work on a joint plan together for resolution, especially if he is impotent.
People get upset when I suggest this because it implies women are responsible for the challenges men carry into a marriage from their life beforehand. However, are husbands not expected to remedy the spiritual and psychological wounds women carry into a marriage? Men and women aren't responsible for the baggage each other brings into a marriage. Regardless, each spouse must attempt to handle the negative consequences of that baggage lovingly. Women are not to blame for the high likelihood that the MillennZ men they marry were exposed to pornography during childhood, nor for how this exposure might influence their sexual relationship. However, should impotence arise, it becomes a shared challenge within the marriage that they must address together.
Marriage counselors and other women will say a “porn addiction” is a man’s problem to solve on his own. This is nonsense. Get your money back from a counselor if they suggest this. If a man’s brain is wired to reach climax from watching others have sex, he has to construct new neural pathways for him to be aroused by his wife again, which requires him to be able to see his wife naked and have sex with her.
This would also require the removal of any screens in the home, him getting a flip phone for professional contact, leaving his laptop or computer to his wife so she may return them to him for work purposes only, and her being sexually available to him. It will take time for the new neural pathways to form and be reinforced, but this is the only practical solution.
This is similar advice I would give to married women who are addicted to social media: Let your husband lock up your phone and get a flip phone.
There are married women who refuse to sleep with their husbands.
I am not one to tell women to sleep with their husbands when they don’t want to because I know she’s not likely to do so if she is not attracted to him. My only point on this is that if you don’t sleep with your husband, you are potentially encouraging a porn habit or infidelity. While this is a violation of marital vows, few women who marry are religious, so there’s no sense in me making that argument.
Men have 17-75 times the amount of testosterone as women. What exactly are these women expecting their husbands to do without sexual access? It's not like wives in these dynamics will support him using his hand and imagination if asked. They would likely point out the behavior as disgusting and unattractive and cite it as further evidence of why she should not sleep with him. Remember, there's no end to this line of thinking when it comes to male sexuality. Women almost always conclude, "He should be a eunuch and pay my bills."
I met plenty of men in the military in dead-bedroom marriages when I served, and I have to say, I wonder why they didn't just divorce. Of course, the family courts would run a man up the flag pole (it's cheaper to keep her), and it's not moral of me to advocate for divorce as a Christian. Having been their female coworker, saying I could smell the thirst seeping out of their pores is an understatement, and I was not extraordinarily attractive at the time either.
Wives state they cannot compete with women in porn because they are more attractive and sexual.
Most women in porn are not remarkably beautiful. Yes, some are athletic and have breast implants, but many are average in beauty and thin. I know this from being privy to all sorts of sex workers on the social media platform X (regrettably) and from my brief stint working in an adult couples store. Yes, I was a sex shop clerk once. It was one of my life's coolest anthropological people-watching experiences, and the commission was phenomenal. My primary moral contentions on working there were that unmarried people shopped there, and there was pornography. It would be nice if there were pro-marriage sex shops around, but sadly there are none.
The women in porn are not gorgeous most of the time, but they are thin, and your average American woman weighs 170 pounds. My suggestion to wives concerned about looking better than porn actresses is to lose weight. Feeling insecure about your looks is hard when you know you look like the healthiest version of yourself. We can argue that exaggerated sexual enthusiasm being desired by a husband is unrealistic when influenced by pornography. That is all the benefit of the doubt I will give the ladies on this point. Almost no woman wants to be compelled to hoot and holler naked for show. Wives should not be forced to act in bed, nor should their husbands.
The Men Are Not Okay, but Neither are the Women
In conclusion, the discourse surrounding male sexuality in the digital age reveals more about our societal biases than it does about the behavior itself. We've dismantled myths, exposed hypocrisies, and sorted through the false accusations of the sisterhood that come with discussing such a topic as male pornography consumption.
The obsession with male porn consumption among women seems less about genuine concern and more about control and perhaps jealousy over the attention it garners. Women must move beyond these superficial judgments and recognize the complexities at play — from the grooming of young minds through digital media to the biological imperatives driving human sexual behavior.
I want to mention that, at some point, it becomes an adult man's responsibility to take accountability for his detrimental sociosexual behaviors. This sentiment also rings true for adult women engaging in detrimental sociosexual behaviors. We aren't responsible for what we are exposed to as children but become accountable for the outcomes as we mature into adulthood.
If women ask men why they do what they do, men will tell them, but only if they are willing to listen without schoolmarming them and have earned their trust. Fostering a dialogue that doesn't reduce men to caricatures of their sexual habits is the best way for women to achieve healthy relationships with men.
The truth is in the observation, not in the approval of the observer. That’s the best part about being a fauxthropologist: people-watching.
This is a way of describing an unattractive figure in a woman.
Yes, I think porn is bad. Duh. Only a fool or morally bankrupt would defend porn. I acknowledge that men consume it, and it’s not inherently an addiction if a man does.
I repeat the same question twice, but one is more femininely worded.
If you are not allergic to silicone lubricant, look into it. I'm sorry no one gave you this advice sooner.
I know how this looks, given that I'm a content creator. I am on maternity leave from writing on X, and I am working on screen time reduction myself! So far, so good this week.
Here is a special thank you to my husband for listening to my endless banter on human dating and mating for years without compensation. I am fortunate to have him as my sounding board to bounce ideas, facts, and theories off of.
Excellent post, fantastic read!
This actually goes hand-in-hand with one of the things that I’m going to be writing about soon. It’s not just about porn, but about how male psychology is misunderstood more generally.
Let’s look at some statistics. 75% of psychologists are women, close to 80% of primary school teachers are women. 80% of single parent families are run by women.
Combine this with the fact that there are more families with only one child, and the fact that women are delaying having their first child, will you get is a society where the average child grows up into their 20s without a strong male presence.
For men, this can create a lot of the degenerate behaviours that they are chastised for, as they don’t have anybody looking out for them. No guard rails, so to speak.
For women, this creates a scenario where they don’t actually have to understand anything about men, because their home/academic life doesn’t put them into contact with men. This leads to a lot of the double standards and delusions.
Also, the point that you made later on about real life women versus porn is spot on — and I think is contributing to the decline in population.
When people are talking about why people aren’t getting into relationships and having kids, it’s usually framed as women rejecting relationships, but I can tell you from the male point of view that it’s increasingly becoming a scenario where the typical guy can choose between:
1. Online porn, where he can see attractive women of every kind
2. A woman in real life, who is statistically 5 foot 4, 170 pounds
Anyways, great stuff!
(by the way, I didn’t know all that stuff about mommy bloggers, that is pretty horrifying)
Women love pornography. It gives them an opportunity to act like their husbands/boyfriends are cheaters without actually having to deal with the consequences of infidelity. They get to have their cake and eat it to. Nothing strokes the ego quite like good, old-fashioned, self-righteous moral indignation.